Lions from Kalemegdan, Boris Nad


Lions from Kalemegdan

Even in historical times, a little more than two thousand years ago lions lived in Macedonia. The information about this can be found in the work of Herodotus; during his lifetime lions lived in Crestonia, which is, roughly, the area between present-day Vardar and Struma in northern Macedonia. "No one ever sees a lion in the fore part of Europe east of the Nestus, nor through the entire continent west of the Achelous; but in the space between these bounds lions are found." (History, Book 7, 126). Alexander the Macedonian, in his youth went to hunt these amazing and beautiful animals.

Feat, worthy of kings and heroes more than any other; task to defeat the Nemean lion was the first of twelve, which Eurystheus propounded to Heracles. Beast that ravaged the district of city of Nemea had a pelt that could not be pierced by the spear or cut up by the sword; it was the offspring of the monstrous Typhon, or Selene, or Chimera and dog Orthrus. To overmaster the Nemean lion, Heracles had to strangle him with his bare hands, and then, just with the assistance of lion's sharp claw, he could excoriate his skin. Since then he had worn it as impenetrable armor - a symbol of immortality and invulnerability – and the heavy lion head as a helmet. Lion also symbolizes the kingdom or empire. Precisely lions tied with iron chains guard the entrance to the Celtic "Spinning Castle", which is the same as the abode of the Fisher King and the secret hideout of the Grail in the cycle of the Grail legends.

Lion, any lion, is the archetype, because it also applies to it what Borges said about the tiger: one tiger represents all tigers which have been and all tigers that will be, because "the individual, in his case, is the entire species". The connection between the kings and lions is, undoubtedly, both ritual and essential. Later on in history, when the custom of hunting extinguished along with lions, only the kings become the collectors of these rare and exotic beasts. There is no more worthy gift for the ruler than the lion, imprisoned in a cage, which will be conveyed to him by boat from some thousands of miles distant, fabulous country. Afterwards, the lions moved into the area of heraldry, becoming almost mandatory addition to the royal and noble coats of arms. Sculpted from stone, cast in bronze or forged in iron, we find them even nowadays at the gates of the old castles and magnificent palaces, less as a symbolic threat and more as a memory of a time when there was an equals sign standing between royal and leonine dignity.

I do not know if the next experience belongs to the reality or to the images we only see in dreams. It was late summer afternoon, almost evening, when, during my climbing up the Kalemegdan fortress, I wished to get up to that high plateau from which can be seen the confluence of the Sava into Danube and the War Island itself. Before that, I remember I was wandering for long time through fortress underground rooms – in one of them, next to a pile of waste, some kind of garbage or rubble piles, there were still laying neatly stacked stone cannonballs. After those stuffy underground rooms, tight passages and dark hallways, which can be found in old fort, and reminiscent of the tombs, I wanted to set foot in a place from which I will sense the breadth of sight and freshness of water. Murmur of many passers-by, scream and squeal of children in the summer night, have not bothered me; it was something completely different from fusty and assumptive dust of ages.

It was the last hour before sunset, when the sun is at its strongest. Kalemegdan fortifications turned into brown and golden color. Beneath one of them, not very high above our heads, suddenly I spotted two lions, gallantly and lazy acceding under the sun.

These were the lions from the nearby zoo, but no visible fence divided us from them. It seemed that they are completely free to move, and that the ancient fortress is, moreover, their natural environment, and that they are its integral part - image, which could be born in dreams and which belonged to some other, almost mythical era, quite different from ours.

The earliest recorded name of present-day Belgrade is the Celtic "Singidunum", a compound in which "dunum" means fortress or castle, while the meaning of the word "singi", for the present enigmatic, is the subject of speculation and wit. According to some interpretations, the "singi" means lion, and, therefore, the meaning of the name is "Lion Fortress." The etymology that is doubtlessly, fictitious, like so many others, but which represents the key to this dream.

Boris Nad

Translated by: Zorana Lutovac



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ARKTOGEJA: Lions from Kalemegdan, Boris Nad
Lions from Kalemegdan, Boris Nad
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